Thursday, February 23, 2012

An exciting find!

I have a slight obsession with salt and vinegar chips, but I never eat them because I could never find a low-fat version. Imagine my excitement when I found these at Whole Foods yesterday:

I couldn't even wait to get home to try them; I tore them open in the car :)

They are delicious! I'll be going back to get more soon!


  1. Mmm! We're so alike! I love salt & vinegar, so I'll have to try those. Have you seen pop chips? They're a healthier version of potato chips and they sell them at publix & whole foods. They make a really yummy salt & vinegar.

  2. Hey Beth! That's awesome you like salt and vinegar chips, too :) I actually saw pop chips at Whole Foods the same day I spotted these. I'll have to give those a try! Thanks!
