Thursday, June 14, 2012

Moving Day

What a blur our lives have been the last week or so!  My family came in town for graduation, I graduated (hooray!), had a graduation party, said goodbye to all my loved ones, had movers come literally 2 days later, then moved the next day.  Everything was such a blur, but I tried to treasure moments here and there, because I knew we were making memories that would last a lifetime.  Jonathan and I stopped in St. Louis for a few nights, then drove the rest of the way.  Now we're settling into our new home.  We really like it here so far!  Everyone is super (and genuinely!) friendly, there's great restaurants, our new home is close to shopping, and we're making new friends.  Unfortunately, we didn't have such a great experience with our moving company...our stuff got delayed by several days, so we spent three nights sleeping on the floor and leaning against the walls as "chairs."  Here's some pictures I managed to snag during the move:

The ReloCubes outside our old apartment...believe it or not, it took all 3 to move us!

The beautiful and picturesque St. Louis is so much bigger than it looks!  Massive!

A quick pit-stop at the zoo

Our stuff FINALLY arriving in Iowa

We were so happy they finally arrived, we opened them right away!
The mess we're currently unpacking/organizing
So there's a short summary of what we've been up to.  I promise there will be recipes to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. So glad y'all are safe. Can't wait for pictures, doc :)
