Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today was a very big day for me. I've spent all week rotating through our Oral Surgery clinic. I've pulled nine teeth by myself so far and assisted seniors in pulling countless others, My patient today had badly broken down teeth, so I had to use a surgical approach. For the very first time EVER today, I used a scalpel to cut back a tissue flap, extracted the broken-off teeth, and sutured the patient up when I was through. There aren't many things in dental school that have come completely natural to me, but I felt that suturing came so naturally to me. I was good at it, and that put me on cloud 9. Yay for God reaffirming that you've made the right career choice! Here's a illustration of the suture technique I used:

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am so proud of you and for the Lord confirming your path :) I know you are going to be an incredible dentist!!!
